Tag Archives: King


And so we come to the season finale, the episode that draws together a lot of the threads of the story line, but leaves a few hanging out there for the next season, even a bit of a cliff hanger – keeping us intrigued and ready to come back for more when the new season […]

Closer to the fire

When I was a lad I was in the Scouts. As far as I was concerned one of the main attractions of being in Scouts was that it gave me a good excuse for messing around with fires. On a couple of occasions, however, things didn’t go entirely to plan. Like the time I was […]

Glorious: Diamonds and Gold

As I was reflecting on the readings for tonight the word that stuck out for me was, “glory”. It’s a word that we use every week in our worship, coming as it does in the first line of the Gloria, “Glory to God in the highest”. But it’s also a word that we come across […]

Stirring it up a bit

So, here we are on the last Sunday of the Christian year. In the BCP tradition it is “Stir up” Sunday, a nickname that came from the first line of the BCP collect for this Sunday, “Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people, “ a prayer that we will pray later, after […]

A sign for the times

Do you ever see a road sign when you’re driving along and think, “Thanks for letting me know but what am I meant to do about it?”   I mean, if I see a road sign with a 30 on it, then I know what that means – I’m meant to drive at no more than […]