Monthly Archives: March 2020

Once Saved, Always Saved?

This morning we have the last of our “Tough questions” sermon series. In the past month or so we’ve considered such things as “What do we do with violence in the Bible?”, “Why do good things happen to bad people?”, and “Are demons real?” If you missed any of those, and for some reason find […]

Signs of the times

In the introduction of his letter to the Christians in Rome, Paul describes himself as someone who was sent by God to “call the Gentiles to faith and obedience”. It is this call that we’re exploring tonight. We don’t know if the official that Jesus spoke to was, himself, a Gentile, but we do know […]

Peace Dancing

I wonder how you like to eat your meals. Are you the kind of person who likes to eat each thing on it’s own, in turn, or do you load a bit of everything on your fork for each mouthful? Do you eat your favourite thing first or leave it to last? Put a roast […]


This morning we are beginning a series of sermons in which we are looking at some of the tough questions that we have as we seek to live as faithful followers of Jesus. It seems to me that the reason that we find these questions difficult is that they bring up conflicts and tensions between […]