Tag Archives: John 1:1-14

It’s All About Love

Reading John’s letters always makes me smile, he just can’t stop talking about love. He’s completely obsessed by it. Don’t forget that the first time we met John he was in a fishing boat on the lake of Galilee, probably as quite a young man. Jesus calls him and off he goes, with his brother […]

So, what about bone cancer in children?

Last Sunday there was an interview with Stephen Fry broadcast in Ireland that got a fair amount of coverage in the newspapers and online discussions. It is fairly well known that he is an atheist, and he was appearing on a show called “The Meaning of Life” talking about all kinds of issues from his […]

Bells and Lights

I wonder if I might begin by sharing a poem with you, written by a bloke called Bob Hartman. Lights and bells, Bells and lights. Cold pale mornings, Long dark nights. As winter’s grey Grabs hold and bites, Christmas comes With sounds and sights. Lights and bells, Bells and lights. Lights and bells, Bells and […]

Glorious: Diamonds and Gold

As I was reflecting on the readings for tonight the word that stuck out for me was, “glory”. It’s a word that we use every week in our worship, coming as it does in the first line of the Gloria, “Glory to God in the highest”. But it’s also a word that we come across […]