Tag Archives: fruitfulness

Roots and Fruits

As many of you know we have apple trees in the garden at the vicarage. When we first moved in there were three trees. Two great big trees that produced heavy crops of cooking apples and one, spindly little tree that produced a meagre crop of eating apples. I was talking to Gill Ireland about […]

A sign for the times

Do you ever see a road sign when you’re driving along and think, “Thanks for letting me know but what am I meant to do about it?”   I mean, if I see a road sign with a 30 on it, then I know what that means – I’m meant to drive at no more than […]


“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last.” Jesus spoke these words to his friends and followers nearly two thousand years ago, and I believe that he continues to speak them to us today. Maybe it will help us to hear them […]

F’s for Fruitfulness

As some of you may know, I have a vegetable plot. It’s not a very big vegetable plot, but it has produced its first crop this year. Some spinach. Not very much spinach so far, but enough for a couple of salads and a meal for Liz and me. The rest of the plants divide […]