Tag Archives: Fruit of the Spirit

A sign for the times

Do you ever see a road sign when you’re driving along and think, “Thanks for letting me know but what am I meant to do about it?”   I mean, if I see a road sign with a 30 on it, then I know what that means – I’m meant to drive at no more than […]

Joy to the world?

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Now, in common with a lot of people, Paul was in the habit of putting the things that he thought were most important at the beginning of his lists. In this case, the […]

Community in Kindness

This week we continue our series of services on the theme of building community. Each week we have been looking at the ways in which the work of God, the Holy Spirit, can be seen in the building up of our community. We have looked at love, joy, peace, and now we come to kindness. […]