Tag Archives: Isaiah

Pregnant Advent

Waiting. Those of you who were here last week will have heard me say that I don’t really like waiting, I’m not very good at it. We’d just sung a song, after the sermon, with the line “waiting here for you”, and I suggested that we should do a bit of waiting. If you were […]

Advent Prophets

What shape is a snooker table? If you look at this first image, taken from the television coverage of this match, you would be forgiven for thinking that a snooker table is square. Even if you know that a snooker table is longer than it is wide, you might not have an appreciation of how […]

Advent hope

I wonder what you are looking forward to. Christmas? A holiday? Seeing friends or family? A medical procedure that you hope will make life easier? Maybe there isn’t anything. You are finding life hard, and seeing hope or joy in the future is just beyond you. Perhaps when you look forward all you see is […]

Walk the Way

Last week we were exploring what it means for us to prepare the way of the Lord now. We talked about the importance of believing that Jesus is going to return, of sharing that good news with others, and of being that good news by caring tenderly for others. This week, we’re thinking about another […]

Prepare the Way

In 1996 I spent 6 weeks on placement in the offices of Thameslink 2000. I was an engineering student, and the idea was to gain some experience of a large scale engineering project. According to Wikipedia, “The Thameslink Programme, originally Thameslink 2000, is a £6 billion project in south-east England to upgrade and expand the […]

Throne Room

This evening I would like to invite you to consider your place in the throne room of God. In today’s western democracy we don’t think much about thrones, or at least I don’t, but Hebrews was written in a world where throne rooms really were the seat of power. They were the places of council, […]

Closer to the fire

When I was a lad I was in the Scouts. As far as I was concerned one of the main attractions of being in Scouts was that it gave me a good excuse for messing around with fires. On a couple of occasions, however, things didn’t go entirely to plan. Like the time I was […]