Tag Archives: baptism

The Early Church – Baptism

This morning we are continuing our series exploring our communal life as a church community, by investigating the life of the early church as seen in Acts. As we read how the early church did things it gives a great opportunity to highlight and celebrate, as well as to look for ways in which we […]

Advent Prophets

What shape is a snooker table? If you look at this first image, taken from the television coverage of this match, you would be forgiven for thinking that a snooker table is square. Even if you know that a snooker table is longer than it is wide, you might not have an appreciation of how […]

One family, in Christ

I wonder how your family or friends can tell that you are upset. Do you go quiet? Do you shout? The Christians in Galatia, who received this letter from Paul would have been in no doubt that Paul was upset. It is, in short, quite a grumpy letter. Paul is beside himself at the way […]

Prepare the Way

In 1996 I spent 6 weeks on placement in the offices of Thameslink 2000. I was an engineering student, and the idea was to gain some experience of a large scale engineering project. According to Wikipedia, “The Thameslink Programme, originally Thameslink 2000, is a £6 billion project in south-east England to upgrade and expand the […]

A Chapter Break

Does anyone know who the UK’s best selling author of the 1990’s was? It is, of course, Terry Pratchett. He also happens to be one of my favourite authors, especially his Discworld series. There is, however a slight problem, with the books in this series. There are no chapter breaks. The writing just goes on […]

Life Long Learning to Live

I’ve been asked to talk this morning about becoming a disciple of Jesus. This is a very big subject, and I’m not going to be able to cover everything that could be said, but I hope that I’ll be able to make a start and to give us some things to think about over the […]

What should we do?

I wonder how you know that Easter is over? Is it when all the Easter egg chocolate has gone? Is it when the last daffodil has faded and been mown over? Is it when it feels about time to take the Easter cards down? Of course, in the church year, Easter goes on until Pentecost, […]

Glow, grow, and go.

What is this? It’s a box of Ready brek. Will anybody here admit to liking Ready brek? Does anybody remember the Ready brek ads on the telly? In those ads, what happens to the boys and girls when they eat Ready brek? They start glowing with this wierd orange glow, like a lightbulb has been […]

What’s Missing?

Marmalade. This is the marmalade that I made from some of the left over Christingle oranges. I know that I was warned that they were the wrong type of oranges, but I thought I’d give it a go anyway. As you can see, this marmalade is a bit on the runny side. There is something […]