Monthly Archives: December 2024


I wonder what you are hungry for at Christmas? I wonder what you’re not hungry for? I’ve got some options for you for your Christmas dinner. I want you to shout out “hungry” for the one that you would choose for your Christmas dinner. You are only allowed to choose one on each slide. Turkey […]

Advent Fire

Liz and I sometimes go to the cinema. After the ads have played there’s a little clip and a voice over says something like, “And now for your favourite bit. …. it’s the trailers.” And then you get the highlights of films that are due to arrive in the new year. Now, I’m not sure […]

Prayer Patterns

In his commentary on 1 Thessalonians, Tom Wright suggests that there are some similarities between praying and playing a musical instrument. Next week at the Civic carol service we will have some choirs and music groups from local primary schools taking part. They will, in the most part, be accompanied by a teacher playing the […]