Tag Archives: food

So Sow

I wonder if anybody else here does a bit of gardening. I’m not very good at flowers and decorative stuff, but I do quite enjoy growing veg. I do find some satisfaction in growing stuff for the meal table. A couple of weeks ago I planted some tomato seeds on our kitchen window sill, and […]

Stirring it up a bit

So, here we are on the last Sunday of the Christian year. In the BCP tradition it is “Stir up” Sunday, a nickname that came from the first line of the BCP collect for this Sunday, “Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people, “ a prayer that we will pray later, after […]

Looking at your elbow

I wonder if you might try something for me. Would you look at your elbow? Not the bit on the inside, but the pointy bit on the outside. It’s really quite a difficult thing to do, isn’t it? If I’d asked you to look at spot just between your shoulder blades, then you’d have known […]