Tag Archives: endurance

Soldier. Athlete. Farmer.

Having spent the last few weeks in Paul’s first letter to his friend Timothy, we now step into the second. The context is similar for Timothy, he is still in Ephesus, leading the church there. It seems, however, that Paul’s suffering has increased as he is imprisoned in Rome, and his reflections on that lead […]


What are you waiting for? Here are some of things that I am waiting for. I am waiting for England to win the Ashes. I am waiting to find out where my next job will be. I am waiting to meet my new nephew in the New Year. (Nathaniel is really glad that it’s going […]

A sign for the times

Do you ever see a road sign when you’re driving along and think, “Thanks for letting me know but what am I meant to do about it?”   I mean, if I see a road sign with a 30 on it, then I know what that means – I’m meant to drive at no more than […]