Tag Archives: holiness

What is the body for? – 1 Corinthians

Nice to see you, to see you ….. Brexit means …. A Mars a day helps you work, rest and …. Across the worlds of entertainment, politics, marketing we see the power of the slogan, the short phrase that catches people’s imagination, that is easily memorable, that captures the essence of an argument, a position, […]

Unity in Vision – 1 Corinthians

For the next couple of months we are going to be exploring Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth. Well I say first. It’s the first one that we have a copy of in our Bibles. In Chapter 5, verse 9, of this letter, Paul refers to a previous letter that he had written […]

Our Father in heaven …

So, Easter has been and gone, we’re working our way through the last of the chocolate eggs and looking forward to the kids going back to school, some sunshine, and the summer holidays starting to appear on the horizon. For the whole of this term here at All Saints we’re going to be exploring prayer, […]

Rejoicing in Reconciliation

Do you ever have those conversations with someone who always has “just another thing”? You’ve had a pleasant chat and thought you were about to part company and then they come up with “just another thing”? We are coming towards the end of our sermon series on Philippians and Paul is beginning to wind up […]

Jonah and the Fish – Getting Rid of the Rubbish

This is the second in a series exploring the book of Jonah, focussing especially on what it might have to say to us about conversion. Firstly a reminder of why we’re having this series. Our vision is for there to be a new congregation in Priorslee. This will mostly be made up of local people […]

Closer to the fire

When I was a lad I was in the Scouts. As far as I was concerned one of the main attractions of being in Scouts was that it gave me a good excuse for messing around with fires. On a couple of occasions, however, things didn’t go entirely to plan. Like the time I was […]