Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

Children of God

I’m really pleased to be here, with the opportunity to preach this morning. Of course, I’m always enjoy preaching, especially to such a fine bunch of folks as you lot, but today I’m especially excited. That is because today is Trinity Sunday, and I love the Trinity. I think that it is one of the […]


Jesus was sent by the Holy Spirit into the desert for forty days. Jesus is right at the beginning of his public ministry. He had just had one of the most awesome spiritual experiences that anybody could ever have: he had been baptised, the Holy Spirit had descended into him to empower and equip him […]

What’s the choice?

I don’t have any choice. You don’t have a choice. He doesn’t have a choice. These are some of the hardest words that can be spoken or heard in today’s culture. In our country it’s all about choice. Having the right to choose. The right to choose where our kids go to school, the ability […]

What’s Missing?

Marmalade. This is the marmalade that I made from some of the left over Christingle oranges. I know that I was warned that they were the wrong type of oranges, but I thought I’d give it a go anyway. As you can see, this marmalade is a bit on the runny side. There is something […]

Joy to the world?

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Now, in common with a lot of people, Paul was in the habit of putting the things that he thought were most important at the beginning of his lists. In this case, the […]

God is a Womble

Today is Trinity Sunday, when the church takes a deep breath and engages with one of its most exciting ideas, that of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This falls at a really good time for me, coming as it does at following the week when I have been studying the way in which […]

Pentecost Water

What is it about kids and water? My four year old, Nathaniel, came home from nursery this week one day and told me that they’d had something really special that day. They’d had the water guns out. But there was one rule. No squirting people. They’d cleaned the garden furniture, sprayed the walls of the […]

Community in Kindness

This week we continue our series of services on the theme of building community. Each week we have been looking at the ways in which the work of God, the Holy Spirit, can be seen in the building up of our community. We have looked at love, joy, peace, and now we come to kindness. […]