Tag Archives: Trinity


I’ve been on a conference this week, and on one of the days we did a Bible study on part of the first chapter of John’s gospel. It describes the time just before Jesus started his public ministry, a time when his cousin John was out in the desert outside Jerusalem, preaching and baptising. He’s […]

Start From Who You Are

I wonder if you’ve got a hero? Someone you look up to, someone you wish you were more like, someone who inspires you. This week the Catholic church recognised the great work of Mother Theresa of Calcutta, her love and humility, her care for the poor, her inspiration in reaching out to the least and […]

I’ll be back…

This morning we’re going to be thinking about waiting. How good are you at waiting? How long would you have to wait for something before you’d stop believing that it was going to happen? Let’s imagine that you’ve ordered pizza for tea. The guy on the phone said it would be half an hour. How […]

Children of God

I’m really pleased to be here, with the opportunity to preach this morning. Of course, I’m always enjoy preaching, especially to such a fine bunch of folks as you lot, but today I’m especially excited. That is because today is Trinity Sunday, and I love the Trinity. I think that it is one of the […]

God is a Womble

Today is Trinity Sunday, when the church takes a deep breath and engages with one of its most exciting ideas, that of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This falls at a really good time for me, coming as it does at following the week when I have been studying the way in which […]