Tag Archives: water

Welling Up

There is a place in Ethiopia called the Benishangul-Gumuz Region. I wonder if anyone here knows what is significant about the Benishangul-Gumuz region? I’ll give you a clue, the Blue Nile flows through this region. Since 2011 there has been a dam under construction in this area that will, when it is complete be part […]

Are you thirsty?

What is it about kids and water? That day when they come home from nursery and tell you that they’d done something really special that day. They’d had the water guns out. But there was one rule. No squirting people. They’d cleaned the garden furniture, sprayed the walls of the shed and watered the plants, […]

Pentecost Water

What is it about kids and water? My four year old, Nathaniel, came home from nursery this week one day and told me that they’d had something really special that day. They’d had the water guns out. But there was one rule. No squirting people. They’d cleaned the garden furniture, sprayed the walls of the […]