Tag Archives: gifts


It is said that familiarity breeds contempt. It’s often struck me as a slightly depressing world view, one which I hope isn’t necessarily true. It seems to me much more hopeful to believe that familiarity might breed insight, affection, and comfort. Maybe, though, this does take a bit of work, and maybe a choice to […]

One Body

As we continue on through our exploration of our Paul’s letter to the Christians in Corinth, we are still working through some of the practical applications of the things that he started off with. In the first part of the letter he laid the foundations of what he was writing to them. Everything he writes […]

One Spirit

I wonder if anybody knows how many days there are to Christmas? It’s 168 days. We are now closer to next Christmas than we are to last Christmas. Has anybody already started their Christmas shopping? None of those really organised types who get stuff in the Boxing Day and New Year Sales for the following […]

Bones and Breath

Last week, Susie started us thinking about our gift-giving God, and that great gift that has been given to us, Jesus. I particularly liked the image of trying to hug someone who isn’t a hugger, and it all gets a bit awkward, and how sometimes that describes how we react to God’s gifts to us. […]

Sent to heal

So far in this sermon series, focussed on the sending out of the seventy-two we’ve been thinking about the preparations for the journey, about how they were to go, where they were to go, what they might expect when they got there, and now today, finally, we get to think about the content of the […]

What’s Missing?

Marmalade. This is the marmalade that I made from some of the left over Christingle oranges. I know that I was warned that they were the wrong type of oranges, but I thought I’d give it a go anyway. As you can see, this marmalade is a bit on the runny side. There is something […]