Tag Archives: Religion


This morning’s reading from Paul’s letter to Timothy is a bit of a gift to a preacher, with all the things that are going on in our world at the moment, so you won’t be surprised to hear that we are going to be focussing on that this morning. For those of you perplexed at […]

Following and Learning

I wonder who you follow. Maybe you follow a sports team. Perhaps you follow friends or celebrities on social media. In the world of work there are usually rules or guidelines that we follow. Some of us might work for bosses that we find inspiring, and we’d be happy to say we follow them. For […]


I was talking to my family this week about the preparation I was doing for this sermon. I explained that I had read some commentaries and written some notes, but that I was struggling a bit. What’s the Bible passage, and what’s it about. Well, I said. It’s towards the end of Hebrews, it draws […]

Wonder. Trust. Grace.

I wonder if any one here is an autograph hunter, or if anyone has an autograph from some particularly well known? I wonder if you, like me, have seen at the end of tennis matches at Wimbledon, people – often youngsters lining up at the entrance with programmes and big tennis balls for the players […]

Mark 9 – Salt and Fire

I wonder how you feel about salt. I have what I think is slightly love/hate relationship with it. On the one hand I know that too much salt is bad for me – high blood pressure etc. So, I don’t usually cook with salt – I just leave it out when recipes list it. My […]


Does anyone know what this is? Yes, it’s a pie slice – but is more than that. This is a legacy, and inheritance. When my gran died, my mum inherited some of Gran’s things and she asked me and my sister if there were any mementoes that we would like. I had a look through […]

Mark 6 – More than enough

I wonder when the last time you were hungry was? I really dislike feeling hungry, I tend to get grumpy. And I find that I feel hungrier when I’m not doing very much. If I’m just sitting in front of the TV, I find myself wandering into the kitchen in search of a snack. But […]


In “The Five Love Languages” Gary Chapman talks about five different ways in which we give and receive love. Words, Touch, Time, Gifts, and Acts of service. For some of us words are most important in the expression of love, especially words of affirmation, encouragement, and building up. For others it is touch – holding […]

Walk the Way

Last week we were exploring what it means for us to prepare the way of the Lord now. We talked about the importance of believing that Jesus is going to return, of sharing that good news with others, and of being that good news by caring tenderly for others. This week, we’re thinking about another […]

Prepare the Way

In 1996 I spent 6 weeks on placement in the offices of Thameslink 2000. I was an engineering student, and the idea was to gain some experience of a large scale engineering project. According to Wikipedia, “The Thameslink Programme, originally Thameslink 2000, is a £6 billion project in south-east England to upgrade and expand the […]