Tag Archives: Luke 12:13-21


Today we’ve heard tales of two harvests. The first tale is one related by the prophet Joel, about four to five hundred years before Jesus’ life on earth. It seems that recent harvests have been bad. Locusts of various kinds have come and blighted the crops, the rains have failed, and the harvests have been […]


Does anyone know what this is? Yes, it’s a pie slice – but is more than that. This is a legacy, and inheritance. When my gran died, my mum inherited some of Gran’s things and she asked me and my sister if there were any mementoes that we would like. I had a look through […]

Jumping from 20,000 feet

Do you know the song, “He jumped without a parachute from twenty thousand feet”? Well, I think they’re going to have to rewrite it. I was reading this morning on the BBC News website that yesterday a man called Luke Aikens did exactly this. After 2 years training and preparation, he jumped out of an […]