Tag Archives: Resurrection of Jesus

Remembrance 2022

I wonder what you think when you see All Saints church building. Maybe you don’t think very much at all. But just consider it a moment. Imposing, square, stone, set well in its grounds, overlooking the town, as if it’s been here forever, and always will be. But, of course, it hasn’t been here forever. […]

Walk the Way

Last week we were exploring what it means for us to prepare the way of the Lord now. We talked about the importance of believing that Jesus is going to return, of sharing that good news with others, and of being that good news by caring tenderly for others. This week, we’re thinking about another […]

Sent to proclaim

I wonder why you’re here this morning. It’s a lovely day, the sun is shining. Most people in this country aren’t in church. They are doing other things. Maybe they’re having a lie in or are out with the family. Maybe playing sport or shopping. Perhaps mowing the lawn or washing their cars. That is […]