Tag Archives: Abrahamic religions

Mark 9 – Salt and Fire

I wonder how you feel about salt. I have what I think is slightly love/hate relationship with it. On the one hand I know that too much salt is bad for me – high blood pressure etc. So, I don’t usually cook with salt – I just leave it out when recipes list it. My […]

One family, in Christ

I wonder how your family or friends can tell that you are upset. Do you go quiet? Do you shout? The Christians in Galatia, who received this letter from Paul would have been in no doubt that Paul was upset. It is, in short, quite a grumpy letter. Paul is beside himself at the way […]

Intimate with the Ultimate – Rich Prayer

Praying. I wonder, what does praying look like to you? Just take a moment and imagine someone praying. What are you picturing in your mind’s eye? This is an important question for us, because this morning we’ve all promised to pray for Isabella, Harriet, and Phoebe. Some of us have promised to help them learn […]

Intimate with the Ultimate – Introduction

Last Sunday morning brought to a close a two year long pattern of sermons. In that time we have had five sermon series, interspersed with others at times, each focussed on one of our church values. Loving God, Loving Each Other, Loving Our Neighbours, Exploring, and Celebrating. Last week was the last of the services […]

Walk the Way

Last week we were exploring what it means for us to prepare the way of the Lord now. We talked about the importance of believing that Jesus is going to return, of sharing that good news with others, and of being that good news by caring tenderly for others. This week, we’re thinking about another […]

Who gives a fig?

Welcome to Advent. I’m not sure why, but I do seem to have a habit of turning up at St Catherine’s on the first Sunday of Advent. And here we are again, at the beginning of a new church year, looking forward to Christmas. In previous years, I’ve brought along a round tuit, talked about […]