Tag Archives: disciple

Following and Learning

I wonder who you follow. Maybe you follow a sports team. Perhaps you follow friends or celebrities on social media. In the world of work there are usually rules or guidelines that we follow. Some of us might work for bosses that we find inspiring, and we’d be happy to say we follow them. For […]

Mark 6 – More than enough

I wonder when the last time you were hungry was? I really dislike feeling hungry, I tend to get grumpy. And I find that I feel hungrier when I’m not doing very much. If I’m just sitting in front of the TV, I find myself wandering into the kitchen in search of a snack. But […]

He is risen!

Over the last few months I have been working with some friends to put on a Passion Play, a dramatic retelling of the events of Easter, in and around Priorslee. Rather than doing it all live, as it was done in Trafalgar Square on Good Friday, we filmed it in advance. I played the part […]

Life Long Learning to Live

I’ve been asked to talk this morning about becoming a disciple of Jesus. This is a very big subject, and I’m not going to be able to cover everything that could be said, but I hope that I’ll be able to make a start and to give us some things to think about over the […]

Sent to proclaim

I wonder why you’re here this morning. It’s a lovely day, the sun is shining. Most people in this country aren’t in church. They are doing other things. Maybe they’re having a lie in or are out with the family. Maybe playing sport or shopping. Perhaps mowing the lawn or washing their cars. That is […]