Tag Archives: Pentecost

What time is it?

What time is it? What date is it? What century is it? What about the geological epoch? Anyone know? There is some debate about this – the question is, have we left the Holocene and entered the Anthropocene? The debate centres around the question as to whether humanity has had such an impact on the […]


I’ve been on a conference this week, and on one of the days we did a Bible study on part of the first chapter of John’s gospel. It describes the time just before Jesus started his public ministry, a time when his cousin John was out in the desert outside Jerusalem, preaching and baptising. He’s […]

Lucozade and God

I wonder how many of you have seen this advertisement for the sports drink Lucozade. I first saw it a couple of weeks ago on the bill board on the station car park. I wonder how it makes you feel, what you think about this Biblical account being subverted and used to sell fizzy sugar […]

Are you thirsty?

What is it about kids and water? That day when they come home from nursery and tell you that they’d done something really special that day. They’d had the water guns out. But there was one rule. No squirting people. They’d cleaned the garden furniture, sprayed the walls of the shed and watered the plants, […]

Inspiring Hope. Warning of Danger.

I wonder if you can guess when these were said? • “Inventions have long since reached their limit, and I see no hope for further developments.” • “The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon.” • “Before man reaches the moon, your mail […]

Babel: Scattering, Unity, Pride

We are coming towards the end of our sermon series, taking us from the beginnings of creation to the call of Abram. Now, I have not been here for the rest of the series and, because of other services that have interrupted the series, it’s actually been a couple of weeks since any of us […]


God does great stuff for everybody and we are all to tell people about it. That is this today’s talk in a nutshell, and if you remember nothing else from today, that is the headline to remember. God does great stuff for everybody and we are all to tell people about it. I wonder if […]

What are you waiting for?

I wonder what you do when you’re waiting for something. I was listening to a radio programme on boredom yesterday and they were talking about people do when they’re bored to fill the time and they mentioned a teacher who used to get so bored in meetings that they would count the window panes in […]

That I may hear

Today’s reading is from the account of Jesus’ life written by John. In the first half of his book, John shares some of Jesus’ teaching and the miraculous signs that he did to show that he was the Son of God. In the second half of his book, John shares in detail the things that […]

Telling Story, Answering Questions

I understand that over the last couple of months you have been working your way through Luke’s account of Jesus’ life, and have, in the weeks since Easter ended up at the beginning of Acts, also written by Luke, just leading up to Pentecost. Have I got that right? This morning, I’d like to start […]