Tag Archives: Conceptions of God

Intimate with the Ultimate – Relational Prayer

Last week we began our exploration of some of the ideas in the book, Intimate with the Ultimate, and were introduced to the idea that prayer is the conversation that happens naturally as we walk with Jesus, work with Jesus, and watch Jesus. This morning we’re focussing in on the idea of what happens when […]

Intimate with the Ultimate – Introduction

Last Sunday morning brought to a close a two year long pattern of sermons. In that time we have had five sermon series, interspersed with others at times, each focussed on one of our church values. Loving God, Loving Each Other, Loving Our Neighbours, Exploring, and Celebrating. Last week was the last of the services […]

What time is it?

What time is it? What date is it? What century is it? What about the geological epoch? Anyone know? There is some debate about this – the question is, have we left the Holocene and entered the Anthropocene? The debate centres around the question as to whether humanity has had such an impact on the […]

Centered on the Word

I feel like recently I’ve been starting a lot of sermons with references to TV programmes. I wonder if that’s anything to do with lock down? Anyway, I wonder if there are any other fans of the The Great Pottery Throwdown out there? For those of you not in the know, it’s like Bakeoff, but […]