Tag Archives: thankfulness

Unity in Vision – 1 Corinthians

For the next couple of months we are going to be exploring Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth. Well I say first. It’s the first one that we have a copy of in our Bibles. In Chapter 5, verse 9, of this letter, Paul refers to a previous letter that he had written […]

Don’t Worry. Rejoice.

When I was last in a prison I was sorry to leave, but was also very glad that I didn’t have to stay. I’d been there as part of my work experience placement from college when I was training to be a vicar. I’d spent two weeks with the chaplains, getting a bit of a […]

Faithful Generosity

So Christmas has come and gone, most of the decorations are down and homes have been found for the presents we have been given and, if we’re really organised, we’ve written the thank you letters. It can be a bit of a challenge that, can’t it. I have to confess that in our house we’ve […]

Joy hard won

Before we look at today’s passage, let’s remind ourselves a bit about the church that Paul is writing to. It was a church that he planted in the city of Philippi. Two of the key events from the church’s early life are its roots in a prayer group that used to meet at the river, […]