Tag Archives: sex

What is the body for? – 1 Corinthians

Nice to see you, to see you ….. Brexit means …. A Mars a day helps you work, rest and …. Across the worlds of entertainment, politics, marketing we see the power of the slogan, the short phrase that catches people’s imagination, that is easily memorable, that captures the essence of an argument, a position, […]

A Tale of Two Cities

Some weeks as a preacher, it’s like the sermons write themselves. A nice, straight forward parable, a heart warming encouragement, something about God’s love. Those are the easy weeks. Recent weeks have not really been like that for me. Last Sunday morning at St Catherine’s we were looking at Jesus’ teaching on divorce. This morning […]

Chew it over

Last week I went to have lunch with some friends of ours. They have a little boy called Samuel who is just being weaned. His mum, Jordan, had made up a bit of baby rice and mixed in some squished up carrot or something like that, had put him in a highchair and was feeding […]