Tag Archives: God the Father

All Saints Day

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Over the last couple of months we’ve been exploring discipleship together. We’ve asked ourselves the question, “how close am I to Jesus?” We’ve thought about […]

What time is it?

What time is it? What date is it? What century is it? What about the geological epoch? Anyone know? There is some debate about this – the question is, have we left the Holocene and entered the Anthropocene? The debate centres around the question as to whether humanity has had such an impact on the […]

A Chapter Break

Does anyone know who the UK’s best selling author of the 1990’s was? It is, of course, Terry Pratchett. He also happens to be one of my favourite authors, especially his Discworld series. There is, however a slight problem, with the books in this series. There are no chapter breaks. The writing just goes on […]


Though sceptical of his teenage son’s newfound determination to build muscles, one father followed his teenager to the store’s weight–lifting department, where they admired a set of weights. “Please, Dad,” pleaded the teen, “I promise I’ll use ’em every day.” “I don’t know, son. It’s really a commitment on your part,” the father said. “Please, […]

Love in Action

I was watching Holby City earlier in the week and there was a touching story line about a man whose wife had early onset Alzheimers. He was upset and was talking to one of the doctors about what it would mean. Then he shared with this doctor something that his Dad had said to him […]

I’ll be back…

This morning we’re going to be thinking about waiting. How good are you at waiting? How long would you have to wait for something before you’d stop believing that it was going to happen? Let’s imagine that you’ve ordered pizza for tea. The guy on the phone said it would be half an hour. How […]