Tag Archives: strength

The Power of God – 1 Corinthians

Last week we began our journey through the book of 1 Corinthians, this letter from Paul to the members of the church that he had planted in Corinth. We thought about Paul’s absolute focus on Jesus Christ as the foundation of his life, the source of all his thinking, and the root of all that […]

Restoring Preaching

Every day, at exactly the same time, Margaret would go to the bathroom cabinet, open it, and take out a huge bottle of castor oil. Then she would head to the kitchen to get a tablespoon. At the sound of the drawer opening and the silverware rattling, Patches, her Yorkshire terrier, would run and hide […]

Restoring Strength

When we get back from holiday earlier in the week there was a pile of post on the doormat, all needing to be sorted out. I wonder how you feel when you see a letter on the doormat. Some are marketing bumph and go straight in the bin. Some look official: on the bright side […]

A Chapter Break

Does anyone know who the UK’s best selling author of the 1990’s was? It is, of course, Terry Pratchett. He also happens to be one of my favourite authors, especially his Discworld series. There is, however a slight problem, with the books in this series. There are no chapter breaks. The writing just goes on […]