Tag Archives: wisdom

The Power of God – 1 Corinthians

Last week we began our journey through the book of 1 Corinthians, this letter from Paul to the members of the church that he had planted in Corinth. We thought about Paul’s absolute focus on Jesus Christ as the foundation of his life, the source of all his thinking, and the root of all that […]


Though sceptical of his teenage son’s newfound determination to build muscles, one father followed his teenager to the store’s weight–lifting department, where they admired a set of weights. “Please, Dad,” pleaded the teen, “I promise I’ll use ’em every day.” “I don’t know, son. It’s really a commitment on your part,” the father said. “Please, […]

Earthy humility, shameful suffering, effervescent joy.

This morning we are looking forward to Lent, and especially the way in which many of the folk of St Andrew’s different congregations are going to be exploring Lent with the help of this book,“Learning to dream again”. In the introduction the author suggests three themes that can help us to develop a Christian wisdom: […]


How do you measure greatness? This question crops up perennially in the sports sections of the newspapers and internet. A few weeks ago Wayne Rooney scored against Switzerland and became England’s all time leading goalscorer. Cue lots of media discussion if this meant that he was now the greatest England striker of all time. Was […]

Sheer foolishness

What do you find embarrassing? Do you have any really embarrassing memories? How do you cope with embarrassment? Does it make a difference for you if it’s you being embarrassed or somebody else? I have to say that I cope very badly with embarrassment. I hate things going wrong, and I get annoyed and angry. […]