Tag Archives: Matthew 3:1-12

Fire of Judgement

When I introduced this series on “fire” a couple of weeks ago I did so in the context of being fired up for mission, and reaching out to the 15,000 people who live in the parish, most of whom don’t know Jesus. Firstly we thought about fanning our gifts into flame, and then we thought […]

Advent Prophets

What shape is a snooker table? If you look at this first image, taken from the television coverage of this match, you would be forgiven for thinking that a snooker table is square. Even if you know that a snooker table is longer than it is wide, you might not have an appreciation of how […]

Roots and Fruits

As many of you know we have apple trees in the garden at the vicarage. When we first moved in there were three trees. Two great big trees that produced heavy crops of cooking apples and one, spindly little tree that produced a meagre crop of eating apples. I was talking to Gill Ireland about […]