Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

Be kind, rewind.

Do you ever read books or watch films or TV series where the timeline has been messed around with. I watched a film the other day where the first five minutes of the film showed a man grieving over the death of his mother, and then it cut to a scene with the subtitle “two […]

Getting stoned?

I used to have a boss who was never really comfortable if everything was going well. At those times when we were on course to hit target, we had just the right number of cars in stock, the sun was shining and there was no crisis for us to grapple with did he relax and […]

Looking at your elbow

I wonder if you might try something for me. Would you look at your elbow? Not the bit on the inside, but the pointy bit on the outside. It’s really quite a difficult thing to do, isn’t it? If I’d asked you to look at spot just between your shoulder blades, then you’d have known […]

What should we do?

I wonder how you know that Easter is over? Is it when all the Easter egg chocolate has gone? Is it when the last daffodil has faded and been mown over? Is it when it feels about time to take the Easter cards down? Of course, in the church year, Easter goes on until Pentecost, […]

Bones and Breath

This week I have been talking about Easter for some of the local schools. I was at the Easter assembly at Etruscan school and the end of term communion here for St Mark’s school. At both of them I talked about why we have Easter eggs (apart from the fact that we really like chocolate). […]

I’ll be back…

This morning we’re going to be thinking about waiting. How good are you at waiting? How long would you have to wait for something before you’d stop believing that it was going to happen? Let’s imagine that you’ve ordered pizza for tea. The guy on the phone said it would be half an hour. How […]

God works everything out?

Our reading from Ephesians this morning jumps right into the middle of this letter’s opening paragraph, a hymn of praise to God.   In this praise we find an important truth about God. “He works everything out in conformity with the purpose of his will.”   I find this to be quite a difficult thing to understand.  […]

Telling the Wonders of God

I wonder if you ever watch those TV programmes or films where they have messed around with the timeline? You know the kind of thing, the film starts with a wedding and then the rest of the film is flashbacks to things that have happened in the lead up to the wedding. Through all the […]

Mission and Unity

Something very important happened in 1910 in Scotland. An event happened that was the birthplace of one of the most important movements in the modern international church. In 1910, in Edinburgh, there was a World Missionary Conference. Christians from around the world met to think and talk and pray about how God was calling them […]


I really struggled this week to work out what I was to say this morning. I really wanted to talk about a particular subject, but the bit of the Bible that we are looking at this morning didn’t seem to say much about it. Let me explain. Last week, Marg spoke about one of the […]