Tag Archives: Perfection

Be kind, rewind.

Do you ever read books or watch films or TV series where the timeline has been messed around with. I watched a film the other day where the first five minutes of the film showed a man grieving over the death of his mother, and then it cut to a scene with the subtitle “two […]

Chew it over

Last week I went to have lunch with some friends of ours. They have a little boy called Samuel who is just being weaned. His mum, Jordan, had made up a bit of baby rice and mixed in some squished up carrot or something like that, had put him in a highchair and was feeding […]

God works everything out?

Our reading from Ephesians this morning jumps right into the middle of this letter’s opening paragraph, a hymn of praise to God.   In this praise we find an important truth about God. “He works everything out in conformity with the purpose of his will.”   I find this to be quite a difficult thing to understand.  […]