Tag Archives: creation


I wonder what comes to mind for you if I say the word “hosts”. Perhaps you think of Ant and Dec, hosts of “Britain’s Got Talent.” or Gary Linekar and Des Lynam, hosts in different eras of “Match of the Day.” You might be thinking of a party or meal you’ve been to recently, and […]

How much?

Little Nutbrown Hare, who was going to bed, held on tight to Big Nightbrown Hare’s very long ears. He wanted to be sure that Big Nutbrown Hare was listening. Guess how much I love you” he said… … Big Nutbrown Hare settled Little Nutbrown Hare into his bed of leaves. He leaned over and kissed […]

Bones and Breath

Last week, Susie started us thinking about our gift-giving God, and that great gift that has been given to us, Jesus. I particularly liked the image of trying to hug someone who isn’t a hugger, and it all gets a bit awkward, and how sometimes that describes how we react to God’s gifts to us. […]

Start From Who You Are

I wonder if you’ve got a hero? Someone you look up to, someone you wish you were more like, someone who inspires you. This week the Catholic church recognised the great work of Mother Theresa of Calcutta, her love and humility, her care for the poor, her inspiration in reaching out to the least and […]

So, what about bone cancer in children?

Last Sunday there was an interview with Stephen Fry broadcast in Ireland that got a fair amount of coverage in the newspapers and online discussions. It is fairly well known that he is an atheist, and he was appearing on a show called “The Meaning of Life” talking about all kinds of issues from his […]

Obedience, worship, and faith

Have you ever seen one of those films in which some of the characters find their way into a treasure hoard? They run from side to side, not knowing where to start looking at things. They pick one thing up and then dash over to the other side of the room as another jewel catches […]