Tag Archives: anger

Handling Conflict

This morning we are continuing our sermon series focussed on living in community. This week we are thinking about conflict in the church, about how we can handle it well, so that it doesn’t become destructive or fracture our life together. The reality is that when people live together, work together, get closer together, there […]

Rejoicing in Reconciliation

Do you ever have those conversations with someone who always has “just another thing”? You’ve had a pleasant chat and thought you were about to part company and then they come up with “just another thing”? We are coming towards the end of our sermon series on Philippians and Paul is beginning to wind up […]

Chew it over

Last week I went to have lunch with some friends of ours. They have a little boy called Samuel who is just being weaned. His mum, Jordan, had made up a bit of baby rice and mixed in some squished up carrot or something like that, had put him in a highchair and was feeding […]