Category Archives: Uncategorized


I wonder what you are hungry for at Christmas? I wonder what you’re not hungry for? I’ve got some options for you for your Christmas dinner. I want you to shout out “hungry” for the one that you would choose for your Christmas dinner. You are only allowed to choose one on each slide. Turkey […]

Intimate with the Ultimate – Rich Prayer

Praying. I wonder, what does praying look like to you? Just take a moment and imagine someone praying. What are you picturing in your mind’s eye? This is an important question for us, because this morning we’ve all promised to pray for Isabella, Harriet, and Phoebe. Some of us have promised to help them learn […]

Bleeding. Dying.

There is an American writer called A.J. Jacobs who a few years ago published a book called, ‘A Year of Living Biblically’ In this book he recounted his attempt to live for twelve months, keeping all of the Old Testament laws and regulations. He describes a time when he was having an argument with his […]

Vulnerable Urgency

So, tonight’s theme is “Equipping for mission”. I’m here to share with you some of what we’re doing in Priorslee, and some of our understanding of mission that has informed what we’re doing, and has come our of our experience there. I’m also here to find out if God is calling any of you to […]

Sent to proclaim

I wonder why you’re here this morning. It’s a lovely day, the sun is shining. Most people in this country aren’t in church. They are doing other things. Maybe they’re having a lie in or are out with the family. Maybe playing sport or shopping. Perhaps mowing the lawn or washing their cars. That is […]

Turning and Pointing

There is a quotation ascribed to Churchill that goes, ” If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use the pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time; a tremendous whack.” This is mirrored in a common […]