Category Archives: Eyton


Does anyone know what this is? Yes, it’s a pie slice – but is more than that. This is a legacy, and inheritance. When my gran died, my mum inherited some of Gran’s things and she asked me and my sister if there were any mementoes that we would like. I had a look through […]

One family, in Christ

I wonder how your family or friends can tell that you are upset. Do you go quiet? Do you shout? The Christians in Galatia, who received this letter from Paul would have been in no doubt that Paul was upset. It is, in short, quite a grumpy letter. Paul is beside himself at the way […]

Easter Redux

So, in the last week a couple of months have passed. Did you notice? Let me explain. Last Sunday we were with Jesus’ friends on that first Easter Sunday morning, as they discovered that the tomb was empty. Some of them had seen Jesus, but not many, and they were just starting to get their […]

Who gives a fig?

Welcome to Advent. I’m not sure why, but I do seem to have a habit of turning up at St Catherine’s on the first Sunday of Advent. And here we are again, at the beginning of a new church year, looking forward to Christmas. In previous years, I’ve brought along a round tuit, talked about […]


I wonder who you think of as being wise? Maybe you have a particular writer whose insights you value. Perhaps there is a figure from history that you look to and draw inspiration from. There may a member of your family, a friend, whose counsel and perspectives you seek out. Wisdom is more than education […]


Bread has had a bit of a bad press recently. The nutritional content of mass produced, steam process, white loaves has come under some scrutiny. An increasing number of people are discovering that they are gluten intolerant. Many dietary plans recommend a reduction in intake of empty carbs. Bread has had a bit of a […]

#doyouknowhimtelford – Jesus the Choice

So, it has been quite a journey over the last few months as we have travelled with Jesus and asked ourselves, “Do You Know Him?” So far we’ve looked at nine different aspects of Jesus’ character and identity, each of which gives us a new perspective on who Jesus is. We started off thinking about […]

#doyouknowhimtelford The Risen One

This week we are continuing in our series looking at the question, “Do You Know Him?” Last week, David was helping us to think about knowing Jesus as the Crucified One, and we follow on from that this week, getting to know Jesus as the one who was raised to life. Why is this so […]

#doyouknowhimtelford the Good Shepherd

Across the borough of Telford and Wrekin, the churches are joining together in asking the question, “Do you Know Him”. We’re asking it of ourselves, and of those around us. As part of this we are going to spend a couple of months, in our Sunday services, exploring different aspects of who Jesus is, so […]

Questions of Identity

When I was at theological college, we had preaching classes. In one of these, the lecturer showed us clips from four different films, each depicting the scene that we’ve read about this morning. So many film makers have given us their version of this story, ranging from Charlton Heston in the 10 Commandments all the […]