Category Archives: Eyton


This morning we meet Jesus on a journey between two places. Our reading from Luke’s historical account of Jesus’ life and ministry began, “And he came down with them.” Which prompts the questions. Where did he come down from and who is “them”? To find the answers to these questions we need to look back […]


Today we’ve heard tales of two harvests. The first tale is one related by the prophet Joel, about four to five hundred years before Jesus’ life on earth. It seems that recent harvests have been bad. Locusts of various kinds have come and blighted the crops, the rains have failed, and the harvests have been […]


I am in awe of those who can dance. I mean dance properly. I can do Dad dancing at a wedding or birthday party, but that is pretty much the only kind of dancing I’ve ever been able to manage, shuffling from side to side, maybe waving my arms around a bit. I did once […]

A Last Prayer

I wonder if you’ve got a summer holiday booked. There’s a lot to get ready for a holiday isn’t there. There’s the planning when and where you’re going to go. Then sorting out passports and insurance if you need them. Closer to the time you’ve got to pack, decide what’s going with you and what’s […]


I’m going to begin this morning by reading a few verses from different books in the Bible, and I wonder if anyone can work out what they have in common? Matthew: “As soon as Jesus was baptised, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit […]

Where is the focus?

It’s all a matter of focus. I’m sure you’ve all seen those pictures which show different things, depending on how you look at them. Is it a candle stick, or two faces? How old is the woman in the picture? Is it a rabbit or a duck? What you see depends on many things – […]

Advent hope

I wonder what you are looking forward to. Christmas? A holiday? Seeing friends or family? A medical procedure that you hope will make life easier? Maybe there isn’t anything. You are finding life hard, and seeing hope or joy in the future is just beyond you. Perhaps when you look forward all you see is […]

Who do you say I am?

“Who do you think you are?” This used to be an aggressive question designed to take someone who was taking liberties down a peg or two. Nowadays it’s more commonly associated with the television programme of the same name, in which celebrities investigate their family trees to uncover interesting links between their lives and the […]


This morning’s reading from Paul’s letter to Timothy is a bit of a gift to a preacher, with all the things that are going on in our world at the moment, so you won’t be surprised to hear that we are going to be focussing on that this morning. For those of you perplexed at […]


I was talking to my family this week about the preparation I was doing for this sermon. I explained that I had read some commentaries and written some notes, but that I was struggling a bit. What’s the Bible passage, and what’s it about. Well, I said. It’s towards the end of Hebrews, it draws […]