Tag Archives: Spirituality

Helpful Habits

I wonder if you have a favourite book, TV show, film, piece of music, or piece of art. That thing that you go back to time and time again. It doesn’t matter that you’ve read it, or listened to it, or seen if before. It doesn’t matter that you know the characters, or that you […]


This morning’s reading from Paul’s letter to Timothy is a bit of a gift to a preacher, with all the things that are going on in our world at the moment, so you won’t be surprised to hear that we are going to be focussing on that this morning. For those of you perplexed at […]

Intimate with the Ultimate – Rich Prayer

Praying. I wonder, what does praying look like to you? Just take a moment and imagine someone praying. What are you picturing in your mind’s eye? This is an important question for us, because this morning we’ve all promised to pray for Isabella, Harriet, and Phoebe. Some of us have promised to help them learn […]

The Spiritual Battle

If I’ve understood the rota that I was sent, you are going to be having two sermons on this passage, the first concentrating on the spiritual battle that we are involved in, and the second, focussed on the armour that we wear in that battle. This is an interesting way of looking at this teaching, […]

A Place of Prayer

I’d like to take you on a journey this morning. As we travel we will stop off at various places, meet different people and hear what is being said. As we travel, I’d like to encourage you to think about similar journeys that you have taken, or maybe that you are on at the moment. […]