Tag Archives: Luke 11:1-4

Getting Involved in Prayer

We have been thinking about prayer this morning. I want to focus on how we can be involved in prayer. Our reading was of a very famous prayer, called the Lord’s prayer. It came about because Jesus friends saw him praying and asking him to teach them to pray. They wanted to be involved in […]

Breaking the power of sin

I wonder why you are here today.  I am here because I believe that the overcoming of sin in peoples’ lives is one of the most encouraging and vigorous demonstrations of the power of the risen Christ, and I want to see more of it.  If we are to see more of this power, then […]

The Lord’s Prayer

I’m really glad this morning to be talking about this prayer. Over my life I’ve had a bit of a strange relationship with it. I remember an assembly I sat in when I was ten. The headmaster was defending the fact that we didn’t have much in the way of prayers in our school assemblies. […]