Tag Archives: Deities

Sheep and Goats

Before we dive into the text that we are focussing on this evening, let’s take a step back and look at the context in which Jesus originally shared it. The first thing to note is that this is the end of one section of Matthew’s eye witness account of the good news of Jesus. If […]

Wonder. Trust. Grace.

I wonder if any one here is an autograph hunter, or if anyone has an autograph from some particularly well known? I wonder if you, like me, have seen at the end of tennis matches at Wimbledon, people – often youngsters lining up at the entrance with programmes and big tennis balls for the players […]


Does anyone know what this is? Yes, it’s a pie slice – but is more than that. This is a legacy, and inheritance. When my gran died, my mum inherited some of Gran’s things and she asked me and my sister if there were any mementoes that we would like. I had a look through […]


In “The Five Love Languages” Gary Chapman talks about five different ways in which we give and receive love. Words, Touch, Time, Gifts, and Acts of service. For some of us words are most important in the expression of love, especially words of affirmation, encouragement, and building up. For others it is touch – holding […]