Advent 2 – Baptism

I love Mark’s eye witness account of Jesus’ life. It seems to me to have been written by someone who wants to get on with it, to keep the action moving. As you read it through, you can barely catch breath as Mark jumps from one scene to another. The beginning sets the tone, none […]

All Saints 2024

Last Sunday morning I had the joy of visiting the young people’s groups in the Parish Centre. I went into Pathfinders, and they were in the middle of a conversation about the different ways that God speaks to us. They were talking about the Bible, and the Holy Spirit, about God speaking through other people, […]

Early Church – Working

A couple of weeks ago, as part of our ongoing examination of the life of the early church, I spoke about being a disturbing church, and one of the examples we looked at was in chapter 5 of Acts. What was the outcome of the early church disturbing those around them? It grew. This is […]

Early Church – Disturbing

This morning we continue our journey through Acts, seeing how the early church did things, and what we might learn from that for our own church life. Over the last couple of weeks we’ve had a merry old time thinking about caring and sharing – lovely affirming stuff. This week, however, it gets a bit […]

Where is the focus?

It’s all a matter of focus. I’m sure you’ve all seen those pictures which show different things, depending on how you look at them. Is it a candle stick, or two faces? How old is the woman in the picture? Is it a rabbit or a duck? What you see depends on many things – […]

The Early Church – Caring

I wonder if anyone remembers these? Perhaps you had one, or your children or grandchildren. Anyone going to own up? Now, I have two admissions to make. The first is that I thought that care bears were a thing of the past, but when I googled to find a picture of them, it became apparent […]

The Early Church – Baptism

This morning we are continuing our series exploring our communal life as a church community, by investigating the life of the early church as seen in Acts. As we read how the early church did things it gives a great opportunity to highlight and celebrate, as well as to look for ways in which we […]

The Goal of Mission

I thought I might start with a little quiz this morning. I’m going to put some mission statements up on the screen, and we’re going to see if anyone knows what organisation they belong to. Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time. Starbucks To empower […]

Preparing for Mission

This week is our second week thinking about mission and sharing the good news of Jesus in different ways, all building up to the Start to Stir day on the 8th of July. Last week we thought about motivation for mission – if you missed it, do look it out on our Facebook and Youtube […]


When we were looking at this passage from Luke in a more reflection mode at Rest a couple of weeks ago, I suggested that we imagine a banquet, our favourite food, the things that really get our taste buds tingling. I wonder what that might be for you. I wonder what your go to celebration […]