Jesus in the Temple

How do you feel about camping? Let’s do a fist to five. Hold up 5 fingers if you love the kind of camping I call out. Fist if you hate it, and something in the middle if you could live with it. Let’s start high end, which some of you might think doesn’t really count […]

Jesus in a Graveyard

Location, location, location. In our summer sermon series we have been exploring different encounters that people had with Jesus in different locations, and the importance of those locations to that encounter. A couple of weeks ago Jesus was at the pool, asking a man who had been disabled for at least 38 years if he […]

Jesus at the Pool

This morning we are beginning a new series, that will take us through the summer, in which we will explore different encounters that people had with Jesus in different places. This morning we are reading from John’s eye witness account of the good news of Jesus. The place is the Pool of Bethesda, just inside […]


I am in awe of those who can dance. I mean dance properly. I can do Dad dancing at a wedding or birthday party, but that is pretty much the only kind of dancing I’ve ever been able to manage, shuffling from side to side, maybe waving my arms around a bit. I did once […]

Beloved, let us love…

There are about 300 words in our reading from John’s first letter this evening. Nearly 30 of them are the word “love”, or related terms. Just about 10%. It is not difficult to get hold of what John’s main theme is in this section of his letter. John has mentioned love before in the letter. […]

Welcoming Sacrifice

This morning we are continuing to explore what it means to be a welcoming church, as we live out our core value of loving others. Over the past weeks we’ve thought about how it is the responsibility of all of us to be intentional and active in welcoming people, and about the importance of welcoming […]

Pentecost 2024

I wonder if you can remember your first day doing a new thing. Maybe your first day at school, or at secondary school. Your first day of a new job, maybe your first job. How about your first day of being married. Your first day in a new house or a new town. I wonder […]

A Last Prayer

I wonder if you’ve got a summer holiday booked. There’s a lot to get ready for a holiday isn’t there. There’s the planning when and where you’re going to go. Then sorting out passports and insurance if you need them. Closer to the time you’ve got to pack, decide what’s going with you and what’s […]


This evening we are beginning new series for our evening services in which we are going to be exploring 1 John. As this is the first in the series, we are going to begin by filling in a bit of the background to the letter, and having a think about who wrote it and why. […]

Getting Involved in Hospitality

I wonder what you think of when you hear the word, “hospitality”. For me the phrase “hospitality industry” comes to mind. A catch all term for hotels, restaurants, cafes and that type of thing. To my mind it’s a slightly strange combination of terms, the idea that hospitality can be an industry. There’s certainly a […]