Category Archives: Wellington

The Goal of Mission

I thought I might start with a little quiz this morning. I’m going to put some mission statements up on the screen, and we’re going to see if anyone knows what organisation they belong to. Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time. Starbucks To empower […]

Preparing for Mission

This week is our second week thinking about mission and sharing the good news of Jesus in different ways, all building up to the Start to Stir day on the 8th of July. Last week we thought about motivation for mission – if you missed it, do look it out on our Facebook and Youtube […]


When we were looking at this passage from Luke in a more reflection mode at Rest a couple of weeks ago, I suggested that we imagine a banquet, our favourite food, the things that really get our taste buds tingling. I wonder what that might be for you. I wonder what your go to celebration […]

Ash Wednesday 2023

As we begin our journey through Lent this year, some of us will be using this book, “Images of Grace” as a source of inspiration for our thinking, praying, and reflecting. As we go travel towards Easter we will be considering different images that occur in the Bible, and what new perspectives they might give […]


In late 2019 we began to hear news of a new virus that had begun to spread in China. In mild cases it gave people a cough and flu like symptoms. Within six months we were in lockdown. Most people were confined to their houses apart from essential trips out. We were advised to keep […]


I wonder if you are a fan of pantomimes? I wonder if you have a favourite? Aladdin, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Peter Pan. I know that some families have a tradition of going to the Pantomime every year. We never really got into that, but I’ve helped out with a few school trips to Pantomimes. […]


Life over the last couple of years has felt quite chaotic for many of us. Things have been turned upside down, rearranged. As we go into this year we are still facing many things that seem chaotic. Financial uncertainty, industrial action, the difficulties in the NHS, amongst other things. So where is God in all […]

Vision 2023

Those of you who have been coming along to All Saints for a while will know that close to the beginning of each year, we remind ourselves of the vision that we believe that we’ve been given to energise and direct our work as God’s people in this community. For those of you who have […]

Tell of God’s Kindnesses

So it’s the first of January, the first day of another new year. I wonder how you’re feeling about that. For many of us, I suspect, there’s a bit of trepidation going into another new year. The last couple of years might have left us feeling a bit anxious about what the new year might […]

Pregnant Advent

Waiting. Those of you who were here last week will have heard me say that I don’t really like waiting, I’m not very good at it. We’d just sung a song, after the sermon, with the line “waiting here for you”, and I suggested that we should do a bit of waiting. If you were […]