Tag Archives: trust


This evening we are picking up our journey through the Old Testament. At the end of the last series we left Moses and the people of God, having been rescued from Egypt, setting out into the desert. They had received the provision of manna, food from heaven, the beginnings of the law, and instructions for […]

All your ways

I wonder who you trust. I wonder how much you trust them, and with what. Let’s explore this a little bit. You’re all sat down now on chairs or pews. How much thought did you give to sitting on the thing you’re sat on? Many of you have been here before – you know that […]

Grateful Trust

Wouldn’t be great if we could control the weather. I mean, I don’t wish to cast doubt on God’s wisdom, but sometimes I think that I could organise things much better if I were in charge. And I’m not just talking about the tropical storms that have brought such chaos to various countries over the […]


Who’d be a referee? There you are, in the middle of it all, players trying to fool you, see what they can get away with, persuade you. Everybody on the touch line second guessing your decisions, questioning your parenthood, suggesting you should go to Specsavers. If you have a perfect performance no one notices you, […]