Tag Archives: Epiphany

2020 Vision – Keep spreading the tent

This morning I shared some details of a series of events that began just over eight years ago that led me to pick this reading from Isaiah for us to think about at the beginning of this new year and new decade. This series of events reinforced for me this instruction from God to God’s […]

Look Again

Today is Vision Sunday at All Saints – it says so on the notice sheet, so it must be. Now I have to be honest and tell you that when I planned this I did not realise that this Sunday was also the first Sunday of Epiphany, it is just one of those serendipities that […]

Christmas 2 – Epiphany

Tonight, getting towards the end of the Christmas season, we’re thinking about Epiphany. On Christmas day we celebrated what is called the Incarnation, that is when God became human. But in some senses today’s celebration is more important . That’s because it’s only through Epiphany that we know what God is up to. A baby […]