I thought that this morning we might have a look at the Psalm that is set for today. To help with this, I have printed out copies for you, so that you can take it away and perhaps reflect back on it.
It might feel a bit odd to be engaging with a Psalm like this. They were originally written as songs and poems, resources for the spiritual life of the people of God. They are a bit like our hymns and liturgical prayers today, and we don’t often spend time examining the meanings and stuff in these. However it seems to me that we might find them more nourishing if we spent a bit of time chewing them over and savouring them.
I’d like to suggest that this Psalm can be thought about as a series of contrasts between what God is like and what the world is like. Coming out of this contrast is a challenge for how we live and go about our business.
The Psalmist starts by looking at what God is like.
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