Monthly Archives: February 2025


This evening we are going to be focussing on our reading from 1 Corinthians 15. Before we focus on the details of this passage, let’s take a moment to draw back and consider the context. If we flip back to the beginning of chapter 1, we see that this letter is written by Paul, to […]


This morning we meet Jesus on a journey between two places. Our reading from Luke’s historical account of Jesus’ life and ministry began, “And he came down with them.” Which prompts the questions. Where did he come down from and who is “them”? To find the answers to these questions we need to look back […]

Refining Fire

A few years ago, when I was preparing a sermon on refining, I was rather distracted from thinking about what I was going to say by Youtube videos. In my defence, it all began in a good place – I was doing some research into what the process of refining silver would have looked like […]