Monthly Archives: August 2024

Jesus at the Beach

I wonder how feel about the beach. I have a complicated relationship with beaches. I love walking along them, the vast horizons and the sea breeze. I enjoy sea swimming. But. To say that I don’t like sand would be an understatement. When I arrive in glory, God and I are going to be having […]

Jesus on the Road

Over the summer we’ve been thinking about encounters with Jesus, the places that those encounters happened, and why the place was important to the encounter. We’ve met Jesus at the pool, on the beach, in a graveyard and at the Temple. Do catch up on the podcast, Youtube or Facebook if you missed any of […]

Jesus in the Temple

How do you feel about camping? Let’s do a fist to five. Hold up 5 fingers if you love the kind of camping I call out. Fist if you hate it, and something in the middle if you could live with it. Let’s start high end, which some of you might think doesn’t really count […]

Jesus in a Graveyard

Location, location, location. In our summer sermon series we have been exploring different encounters that people had with Jesus in different locations, and the importance of those locations to that encounter. A couple of weeks ago Jesus was at the pool, asking a man who had been disabled for at least 38 years if he […]