Tag Archives: mission

Speaking into Silence

I wonder how you feel about silence. What your story of silence is. Last week, when I went on retreat before my ordination, we spent a fair amount of time in what we called silence. But it wasn’t really. Although we weren’t speaking to each other, there was still the sound of the pipes rattling […]

What do you see?

May God be gracious to us and bless usand make his face shine upon us,that your ways may be known on earth,your salvation among all nations. The first verse of this couplet is often used in our services, words of blessing, even greetings cards. It has a lovely ring to it: May God be gracious […]

Welcome, Travel, Message

I don’t know if you have noticed but we have had a special visitor to the UK during the last week. In fact there have been lots of special visitors. The leaders of the G20 nations, the 20 richest, most influential countries on earth have been in London, with their ministers and advisors. But the […]