Tag Archives: blessing

Money, money, money.

What do you earn? How much money do you have? What do you spend it on? These are questions that aren’t heard much in polite conversation in this country. We tend to be quite uncomfortable talking about money. Which is a bit odd, since it is such an important part of our lives, or maybe […]

Faithful Generosity

So Christmas has come and gone, most of the decorations are down and homes have been found for the presents we have been given and, if we’re really organised, we’ve written the thank you letters. It can be a bit of a challenge that, can’t it. I have to confess that in our house we’ve […]

What do you see?

May God be gracious to us and bless usand make his face shine upon us,that your ways may be known on earth,your salvation among all nations. The first verse of this couplet is often used in our services, words of blessing, even greetings cards. It has a lovely ring to it: May God be gracious […]

Shape Up For Summer

Shaping up for summer. Is it just me, or has the frequency of the Weight Watchers ads on the TV increased recently? It’s that time of year, isn’t? Christmas came and it was great and we tucked in to turkey and all the trimmings. New Year came and we made resolutions and took out Gym […]